| Name | Description |
| ContinueWhenAll(array<Task>[]()[], Func<(Of <(array<Task>[]()[], TResult>)>)) |
Creates a continuation Task
that will be started upon the completion of a set of provided Tasks.
| ContinueWhenAll<(Of <(TAntecedentResult>)>)(array<Task<(Of <(TAntecedentResult>)>)>[]()[], Func<(Of <(array<Task<(Of <(TAntecedentResult>)>)>[]()[], TResult>)>)) |
Creates a continuation Task
that will be started upon the completion of a set of provided Tasks.
| ContinueWhenAll(array<Task>[]()[], Func<(Of <(array<Task>[]()[], TResult>)>), CancellationToken) |
Creates a continuation Task
that will be started upon the completion of a set of provided Tasks.
| ContinueWhenAll(array<Task>[]()[], Func<(Of <(array<Task>[]()[], TResult>)>), TaskContinuationOptions) |
Creates a continuation Task
that will be started upon the completion of a set of provided Tasks.
| ContinueWhenAll<(Of <(TAntecedentResult>)>)(array<Task<(Of <(TAntecedentResult>)>)>[]()[], Func<(Of <(array<Task<(Of <(TAntecedentResult>)>)>[]()[], TResult>)>), CancellationToken) |
Creates a continuation Task
that will be started upon the completion of a set of provided Tasks.
| ContinueWhenAll<(Of <(TAntecedentResult>)>)(array<Task<(Of <(TAntecedentResult>)>)>[]()[], Func<(Of <(array<Task<(Of <(TAntecedentResult>)>)>[]()[], TResult>)>), TaskContinuationOptions) |
Creates a continuation Task
that will be started upon the completion of a set of provided Tasks.
| ContinueWhenAll(array<Task>[]()[], Func<(Of <(array<Task>[]()[], TResult>)>), CancellationToken, TaskContinuationOptions, TaskScheduler) |
Creates a continuation Task
that will be started upon the completion of a set of provided Tasks.
| ContinueWhenAll<(Of <(TAntecedentResult>)>)(array<Task<(Of <(TAntecedentResult>)>)>[]()[], Func<(Of <(array<Task<(Of <(TAntecedentResult>)>)>[]()[], TResult>)>), CancellationToken, TaskContinuationOptions, TaskScheduler) |
Creates a continuation Task
that will be started upon the completion of a set of provided Tasks.